Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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Medicare DME Reimbursement Increases in 2022

2022 Updated reimbursements:

Depth Shoes (A5500): pair $186.72 (Ceiling)
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512): pair $76.16 (Ceiling)
Custom Milled Inserts (A5514): pair $113.64 (Ceiling)
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts: $415.20 (Ceiling)
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Custom Milled Inserts: $527.64 (Ceiling)
Custom Molded Shoes (A5501): $560.00 (Ceiling)
Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820): each – Ceiling $1281.17, Floor $960.88
Arizona Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820): pair – Ceiling $2562.34, Floor $1921.76