Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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A Case for Integrating Pedorthists into Podiatric Practices

Podiatrists have traditionally provided referrals to their patients who need therapeutic footwear. However, the opportunity to increase practice revenue, patient desire for “one-stop shopping,” and growing awareness of the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program have resulted in podiatrists increasingly making shoe fitting a part of their practices. As podiatrists become more efficient and skilled at fitting shoes and recognize how much they can benefit their patients while improving their bottom line, this trend is expected to continue.

Podiatrists can work most efficiently by creating “practice protocols” whereby commonly seen conditions are directed to and addressed in a routine way by trained office staff. Such an approach lends itself well to fitting patients who have diabetes and are at risk for ulceration with therapeutic footwear. Even before these patients meet with the podiatrist, offices can identify them and provide them with a brochure or information packet that details the role footwear can play in reducing their risk.

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