Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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Medicare DME Reimbursement Increases in 2022

2022 Updated reimbursements:

Depth Shoes (A5500): pair $186.72 (Ceiling)
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512): pair $76.16 (Ceiling)
Custom Milled Inserts (A5514): pair $113.64 (Ceiling)
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts: $415.20 (Ceiling)
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Custom Milled Inserts: $527.64 (Ceiling)
Custom Molded Shoes (A5501): $560.00 (Ceiling)
Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820): each – Ceiling $1281.17, Floor $960.88
Arizona Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820): pair – Ceiling $2562.34, Floor $1921.76

Medicare DME Reimbursement Increases in 2020

Good news!

On January 1, 2020, Medicare increased the amount it pays for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs.

While the amounts paid may vary slightly by state, the National Fee Schedule is as follows:

Depth Shoes (A5500): pair $147.74
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512): pair $60.26
Custom Milled Inserts (A5514): pair $89.92

Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts: $328.52
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts: $417.50

Custom Molded Shoes w/offset heels and rocker bottoms: $585.26

Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820): each – Ceiling $1216.57, Floor $912.42
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820): pair – Ceiling $2433.14, Floor $1824.84

For a complete listing of updated DME allowables, including prefabricated and custom ankle-foot orthoses, visit:

Medicare DME Reimbursement Increases in 2019

Good news!
On January 1, 2019, Medicare increased the amount it pays for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs.

While the amounts paid may vary slightly by state, the National Fee Schedule is as follows:
Depth Shoes (A5500): pair $146.42
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512): pair $59.72
Custom Milled Inserts (A5514): pair $89.12
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts: $325.36
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts: $413.78
Custom Molded Shoes w/offset heels and rocker bottoms: $656.62
Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820): each – Ceiling $1178.61, Floor $904.29
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820): pair – Ceiling $2357.22, Floor $1808.58

For a complete listing of updated DME allowables, including prefabricated and custom ankle-foot orthoses, visit:


Failure to submit Medicare MIPS quality measures will cost physicians tens of thousands of dollars. In 2018, podiatrists have to submit quality measures all year and not for just a 3-month window, like in 2017. Also, the penalty for not submitting increased to 5% of Medicare payments. However, podiatrists should appreciate that performing MIPS measures may also allow billing for office visits and will increase awareness of when balance AFOs, payable by Medicare, should be prescribed.


MIPS quality measures 154, falls risk assessment and 155, falls, plan of care, address falls being the leading cause of injuries for older adults. One in four Americans aged 65 and over falls each year. By identifying people with gait instability, podiatrists can reduce this risk and make fall prevention a valuable part of their practice.

Physicians should annually, ask every patient, 65 and over, whether they have fallen in the past year. If so, they should follow-up by asking how many times and if the patient suffered an injury. Patients who have fallen two or more times or once with injury are defined to be at high risk.

These patients should be evaluated using a fall risk assessment form available from SafeStep.
Gait, strength and balance are assessed by having patients perform a “Timed Up and Go Test”. Patients stand, walk 10 feet, turn around and sit down. If TUG takes more than 12 seconds, there’s a good chance such conditions as: muscle weakness, difficulty walking or unsteadiness on feet are present.

MIPS 154 also requires assessing another contributing factor to falling including:
• a review of medications, or
• asking if the patient has had an eye exam in the past year, or
• reviewing other possibly contributing medical conditions, or
• determining the presence of postural hypotension.

Patients should be provided with a Plan of Care that includes balance, strength and gait training instructions, advice about vitamin D and information about home fall hazards. To make it easy, when using the assessment form available from SafeStep, simply tear off and give the patient a sheet that’s part of it.

When patients have NOT fallen two or more times or once with injury, submit MIPS quality measure 154 using CPT code 1101F.

If patients at high risk for falls are evaluated and provided a plan of care, consider billing E&M code 99213. Also submit codes 3288F and 1100F for MIPS 154 and 0518F for MIPS 155.
When there is fall risk, based on gait assessment, consider prescriptions for balance footwear, foot orthotics and possibly balance AFOs.

SafeStep has available, for free, copies of a Fall Risk Assessment form that assists in satisfying the MIPS fall prevention requirements. Medicare compliance documentation for AFOs can be best assured by using SafeStep’s WorryFree DME program.

Medicare DME Reimbursement Increases in 2018

Good news!
On January 1, 2018, Medicare increased the amount it pays for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs.

While the amounts paid may vary slightly by state, the National Fee Schedule is as follows:
Depth Shoes (A5500): pair $143.12
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512): pair $58.38
Custom Molded Inserts (A5513): pair $87.12
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts: $318.26
Depth Shoes w/3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts: $404.48
Custom Molded Shoes w/offset heels and rocker bottoms: $570.38
Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820): each – Ceiling $1178.61 Floor $883.96
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820): pair – Ceiling $2357.22 Floor $1767.92

For a complete listing of updated DME allowables, including prefabricated and custom ankle-foot orthoses, visit:

Keys for Success: Fall Risk Prevention … It’s a Best Practice!

The SafeStep Keys for Success that you’ll see here are based on real examples from podiatrists and can dramatically improve your practice.

October Key for Success: Set Up a Fall Risk Prevention Program

On an annual basis, it is important to ask every patient 65 years of age and older, if they have fallen in past year. This is a baseline for a fall-risk assessment and is a precautionary measure to help more patients.

If patients have not fallen or have fallen once without injury, consider them to be NOT at high risk for falls.

If patients have fallen once and been injured or two or more times without injury, consider them to BE at high risk for falls and use SafeStep’s “Functional Fall Risk Assessment Tool” to determine the basis for increased risk.

If fall risk assessment determines the increased risk to be orthopedic in origin, perform a “Biomechanical Evaluation” to determine the specific etiology and guide a plan of care. Such a plan might include:

  • Offering assistive devices including canes and walkers for those at risk.
  • Providing patients guidance about footwear options that will enhance stability.
  • Consideration of foot orthoses that can decrease foot pain and improve support.
  • Providing physical/occupational therapy options.
  • When appropriate, casting for bilateral Moore Balance Braces.
  • Its appropriate to bill an EM charge when fall risk is determined and a plan of care provided.

In order to learn more about how to get started:

1.     Read articles in library section of SafeStep website.

2.     Register at for the training webinar: “Fall Risk Management with Moore Balance”.

3.     Call for SafeStep at 866.712.STEP for patient information brochures, order forms, free mailing labels and STS casting kit.

4.     Review the semi-weightbearing casting technique. Video located in AZ AFO section of SafeStep website, Library section.

5.     The SafeStep website features all Medicare required compliance documentation.

Increased Medicare DME Reimbursement for 2015

Good news!! On January 1, 2015, the Medicare fee schedule for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs increased. While the amount reimbursed by each DME MAC may vary slightly, the National Fee Schedule allowables are as follows:

Depth Shoes (A5500) $141.14
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512) $57.58
Custom Molded Inserts (A5513) $85.92

Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts $313.88
Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts $398.90
Custom Molded Shoes w/ Custom Molded Inserts $586.42

Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1162.23
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1162.23

For a complete listing of updated DME prices, including prefabricated and custom ankle foot orthoses, go to:

Extra-depth Shoes May Help Alleviate Foot Pain for Older People

For adults over age 65 with disabling foot pain, being fitted for off-the-shelf extra-depth footwear reduced pain and improved function, according to a new study.

This type of footwear is often marketed to people with diabetic foot ailments, for whom Medicare – the U.S. government health insurance program for people over 65 – will cover most of the cost of the shoes.

Click here to read the full article!

Fall Risk Management & The Moore Balance Brace 4-Part Webinar Series!

Several of your patients with an appointment today are at risk for falls and one-third of them will fall without your professional intervention.

Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of your patients can benefit from a Fall Risk Management Protocol that includes the Moore Balance Brace (MBB).  By offering such a protocol to your at-risk patients, you’ll be preserving their quality of life and you may even save lives.  In the process, your practice will experience significant growth.  In other words, doing well by doing good.

Beginning October 14th, Josh White, DPM, C.Ped, will be hosting a series of free, live, interactive webinars that will provide a step-by-step guide to incorporating Fall Risk Managment into your practice.

The series will cover the following topics: (Click date to register)

Don’t miss out on this special series – see you at the webinar!



That Daily Shower Can Be a Killer

fall-in-showerBy JARED DIAMOND
Published: January 28, 2013 in the New York Times

The other morning, I escaped unscathed from a dangerous situation. No, an armed robber didn’t break into my house, nor did I find myself face to face with a mountain lion during my bird walk. What I survived was my daily shower.

You see, falls are a common cause of death in older people like me. (I’m 75.) Among my wife’s and my circle of close friends over the age of 70, one became crippled for life, one broke a shoulder and one broke a leg in falls on the sidewalk. One fell down the stairs, and another may not survive a recent fall.

Continue Reading on the New York Times website