Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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Increased Medicare DME Reimbursement

Good news!! On January 1, 2014, the Medicare fee schedule for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs increased. While the amount reimbursed by each DME MAC may vary slightly, the National Fee Schedule allowables are as follows:

Depth Shoes (A5500) $139.06
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512) $56.72
Custom Molded Inserts (A5513) $84.66

Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts $309.22
Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts $393.04
Custom Molded Shoes w/ Custom Molded Inserts $586.42

Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1145.16
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1145.16

For a complete listing of updated DME prices, including prefabricated and custom ankle foot orthoses, go to: