Free Webinar Instructionals

Worry Free DME process and Safestep portal navigation

Presented by: Training Specialist

The webinar instructor will teach the step-by-step process of how to place shoe orders. Topics include placing orders via phone, fax, email and online. Ordering shoes with Medicare Documents and learn how to navigate the DME Dashboard and review shoe order status. Join us for this 1 hour presentation and learn how easy it is to order shoes from SafeStep.


Wednesday’s 12-1 pm Eastern

Friday’s 1-2 pm Eastern

AFO/Shoe Compliance and SafeStep portal navigation

Presented by: Training Specialist

When it comes to following compliance regulations…You can be assured SafeStep will help you navigate the compliance documentation and regulations to be compliant on every level when dispensing and billing for AFO and Medicare Therapeutic Shoe treatment. Learn about the specific Supplier Standards that apply to office posting, documentation and billing in this 1-hour presentation along with definitions of AFO criteria in billing.

Thursday’s 12-1 pm Eastern

Friday’s 2-3 pm Eastern