Schedule a FREE Training Session with a SafeStep EXPERT to Start up a Fall Prevention Program in your Practice
SafeStep Training Sessions are designed to help your practice grow. Schedule a FREE one-on-one personalized on-line appointment with one of our trained EXPERTS to make fall prevention an important part of your practice. In one 45-minute session, you will cover:
The scope of the problem
- The role of the podiatrist in preventing falls
- How to perform a fall risk assessment
- How the Moore Balance Brace can help
- Review of MBB models
- Medicare compliance
- Steps to integrate fall prevention into your practice
At the conclusion of your session, your EXPERT will:
- Ensure that your office has patient brochures and posters
- Order casting kit, casting socks, if needed.
- Print fall risk assessment, order forms
- Provide shipping labels.
- Show where more assistance is available.
- Schedule a follow-up appointment for additional training.
SafeStep EXPERT Training is intended to help you grow your practice, improve patient care and enhance practice revenue.
Call 866.712.7837 or email us at to schedule your FREE individualized on-line session!
Register for a free Fall Prevention webinar
Order free Patient Brochures/Office Posters
Let Us Teach You