Increased Medicare DME Reimbursement for 2015

Good news!! On January 1, 2015, the Medicare fee schedule for diabetic shoes, Moore Balance Brace and Arizona custom AFOs increased. While the amount reimbursed by each DME MAC may vary slightly, the National Fee Schedule allowables are as follows:

Depth Shoes (A5500) $141.14
Prefabricated, Heat Molded Inserts (A5512) $57.58
Custom Molded Inserts (A5513) $85.92

Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Prefab, Heat Molded Inserts $313.88
Depth Shoes w/ 3 pr. Custom Molded Inserts $398.90
Custom Molded Shoes w/ Custom Molded Inserts $586.42

Arizona AFO, Standard (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1162.23
Moore Balance Brace (L1940, L2330, L2820) $1162.23

For a complete listing of updated DME prices, including prefabricated and custom ankle foot orthoses, go to:

New Patient Brochure Helps Ensure That Patients With Diabetes Get Evaluated For Annual Shoe Fitting

More than 75% of patients with diabetes and Medicare fit with shoes one year are not fit the next.  This, despite annual coverage that offers podiatrists very reasonable reimbursement and that the American Diabetes Association recommends that patients be evaluated annually to determine their level of ulcerative risk.

SafeStep has created a brochure for podiatrists to give to patients with Medicare and diabetes when scheduling an annual Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Exam.  The brochure explains to patients the importance of the exam as well as qualifications for shoes under the Therapeutic Shoe Program.


IMAGE2The brochure is available personalized with your practice name and address.  Use as both an appointment reminder for patients’ CDFE and to explain to patients its importance.  It includes at-home foot care tips.  It also shows a preview of stylish athletic, dress or casual Medicare-covered diabetic shoes.

Call 866.712.STEP (7837) to order free sample brochures.  Also schedule a FREE Training Session with a SafeStep EXPERT to learn how to ensure that patients with diabetes, fit with shoes are, if qualified, fit year after year.  Let us show you how to ensure that patients in need of care get it and also that your practice does not miss out on revenue opportunities.

At the conclusion of your training session, your SafeStep EXPERT will ensure that you:

  • Determine your “Number”, the number of patients in your practice with Medicare and diabetes.
  • Can track your practice shoe fitting success using the SafeStep Practice Report Card

SafeStep DME Training will help you grow your practice, improve patient care and enhance practice revenue.


Schedule a FREE Training Session with a SafeStep EXPERT to Ensure That Patients Fit With Shoes in the Past are Fit Again This Year

retention-boxSchedule a FREE Training Session with a SafeStep EXPERT to learn how to ensure that patients with diabetes, fit with shoes are, if qualified, fit year after year.  While Medicare offers coverage for replacement shoes each calendar year, in most practices, less than ¼ of patients fit one year are fit the next.  Let us show you how to ensure that patients in need of care get it and also that your practice does not miss out on revenue opportunities.

SafeStep Training Sessions are designed to help your practice grow.  Schedule a FREE one-on-one personalized on-line appointment with one of our trained EXPERTS to make fitting diabetic shoes an important part of your practice.  In one 45-minute session, you will cover:

  • How to benchmark the number of patients in practice who should be fit with therapeutic shoes
  • Establishing office protocol to ensure that patients with diabetes are scheduled for annual risk assessment
  • Tools to reach out to patients fit with shoes in past and not yet in current year.
  • The benefits of outsourcing procurement of Medicare required compliance documentation

At the conclusion of your training session, your SafeStep EXPERT will ensure that you:

  • Determine your “Number”, the number of patients in your practice with Medicare and diabetes.
  • Your office is set up for shoe fitting success
  • Can track your practice shoe fitting success using the SafeStep Practice Report Card
  • Know where more assistance is available.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment for additional training.
  • Earn your PQRS incentive bonus from Medicare

SafeStep DME Training will help you grow your practice, improve patient care and enhance practice revenue cialis generique fiable.

Expiration Date of Form Signed by the Primary Care Physician for a Pair of Diabetic Shoes?

<img class="alignright size-full wp-image-979" style="border: 0px none;" title="clock_blue" src="" alt="" width="256" height="256" srcset="http://safestep prix cialis pharmacie 256w,×150.png 150w” sizes=”(max-width: 256px) 100vw, 256px” />Question:
Is there a time period for the validity of the form signed by the PCP for a pair of diabetic shoes?  How far ahead of the dispensing can the PCP sign the form?


Medicare states:
  • 3 months: Time allowed from when certifying physician signs certifying statement to when shoes must be fit.
  • 6 months:  Time prior to fitting shoes that patient needs to have been seen by the physician managing their diabetes using which diabetes care is reviewed.
According to Local Coverage Article for Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes – Policy Article- Effective July 2010 (A37065):
For claims with dates of service on or after 1/1/2011, the certifying physician must:

  • Have an in-person visit with the patient during which diabetes management is addressed within 6 months prior to delivery of the shoes/inserts; and
  • Sign the certification statement (refer to the Documentation Requirements section of the related Local Coverage Determination) on or after the date of the in-person visit and within 3 months prior to delivery of the shoes/inserts.
Josh White, DPM, CPed