Be an AFO Expert – It’s Easy if You Use DME Protocols

Time and time again I am asked the same four questions about AFOs:

  1. When should they be used
  2. What’s the correct diagnosis code
  3. What HCPCS code should be used for the AFO
  4. How much does it pay?

While Medicare does not offer definite answers to any of these questions, it does offer guidance in the form of LCDs, Letter of Common Determination and fee schedules.

SafeStep features free webinars on DME Treatment Protocols and another on Compliance.  To register, simply click here, http://www commande  Recorded versions of presentations can also be found in “Library” section of SafeStep website. Even if you have seen this presentation in the past, it’s worth attending again as codes and requirement continue to change.

In collaboration with leaders of the American Academy of Podiatric Management and other knowledgeable practioners, SafeStep created the DME Treatment Protocols booklet.  This guide offers a step by step approach to devices that will effectively work for the most commonly seen biomechanical conditions and offers guidance of how to bill and how much to charge.  While not intended to be followed explicated, it offers practioners an effective starting point and way to developer’s ones own approach to care.  To get your copy of this valuable guide, cont

Once protocols are established, they should be combined with an effective inventory management routine so that the office is certain to always have in stock products for the most commonly seen condition but not so much inventory as to take up valuable office space.  When effectively implemented into office routines, staff should put possible devices out for the doctor to consider so that easily available to discuss with the patient.  If indicated for a Medicare patient, the device can be dispensed on the spot, no prior authorization is necessary.