Medicare Billing for Patients with Two Different Shoe Sizes

A patient needs to have two different sized shoes–one 13, and one 14. I will be charged extra for this and wonder how I’m to pass this charge on. Can I bill the patient?

Additional cost incurred by fitting (I assume Medicare) patient with two different size shoes cannot be passed onto patient (assuming that you accept assignment). If you do not accept Medicare assignment you can charge patient whatever you want such that increased cost is borne by patient. Less significant differences in foot size (especially in width) can sometime be accommodated with the same size shoe by removing spacers from the larger foot and adding spacers to the smaller foot. domain search availability Alternative, if size is significant enough is to cast patient for custom molded shoes.

Josh White, DPM, CPed

New Foot Ulcer Treatment Under Scrutiny from FDA

Here’s something I found that I thought is interesting and thought you would want Boredom to see this news.

Sanuwave, maker of the New dermaPACE diabetic foot ulcer treatment, received a letter from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), asking the company wholesale nfl jerseys to run another clinical trial of its wave-based product. Forex According to the FDA, Wholesale San Francisco 49ers Jerseys the initial run failed to meet its primary endpoint.

Using extra-corporeal shock wave technology, Sanuwave’s product is unique to the marketplace, but Team requires more testing, according enhancements to the FDA. According to a press release, the data shows the Thermal wound closure did indeed succeed, after additional time of 24 weeks.

To see the whole story about Sanuwave, take a look at the of entire article here:

Have of you heard of this technology and would you consider cheap nba jerseys adding it to your practice?