Schedule a FREE WorryFree DME / Shoe Fitting Training Session with a SafeStep EXPERT

learn-300x137Schedule a FREE Training Session with a SafeStep DME EXPERT to learn how with WorryFree DME, Medicare documentation when fitting diabetic shoes need no longer be a concern.

SafeStep Training Sessions are designed to help your practice grow.  Schedule a FREE one-on-one personalized on-line appointment with one of our trained EXPERTS to make fitting diabetic shoes an important part of your practice.  In one 45-minute session, you will cover:

  • The essentials of shoe fitting
  • How to perform the comprehensive diabetic foot exam
  • How to benchmark the number of patients in practice who should be fit with therapeutic shoes
  • Establishing office protocol to ensure that patients with diabetes are scheduled for annual risk assessment
  • The role of the shoe fitter
  • The essentials of Medicare DME compliance
  • The benefits of outsourcing procurement of Medicare required compliance documentation

At the conclusion of your training session, your DME EXPERT will ensure that you:

  • Determine your “Number”, the number of patients in your practice with Medicare and diabetes.
  • Your office is set up for shoe fitting success
  • Can track your practice shoe fitting success using the SafeStep Practice Report Card
  • Determine if it would be beneficial to utilize free electronic billing to Medicare
  • Know where more assistance is available.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment for additional training.
  • Earn your PQRS incentive bonus from Medicare

SafeStep DME Training is intended to help you grow your practice, improve patient care and enhance practice revenue.

Call 866.712.7837 or email us at to schedule your FREE individualized on-line session!

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Let Us Teach You

Medicare Billing for Patients with Two Different Shoe Sizes

A patient needs to have two different sized shoes–one 13, and one 14. I will be charged extra for this and wonder how I’m to pass this charge on. Can I bill the patient?

Additional cost incurred by fitting (I assume Medicare) patient with two different size shoes cannot be passed onto patient (assuming that you accept assignment). If you do not accept Medicare assignment you can charge patient whatever you want such that increased cost is borne by patient. Less significant differences in foot size (especially in width) can sometime be accommodated with the same size shoe by removing spacers from the larger foot and adding spacers to the smaller foot. domain search availability Alternative, if size is significant enough is to cast patient for custom molded shoes.

Josh White, DPM, CPed

What is the Best Way to Measure Shoe Size for Patients Wearing an AFO?

Arizona AFOMost any AFO makes shoe fitting more challenging; the bulkier the device, the harder to fit shoes. The most important concept is the importance of fitting from the inside out. That is, the shoes must accommodate the foot, insert and AFO. Shoe design is as significant as size for effective fitting.

Features of shoes best to fit over an AFO:

  • Incorporate rocker sole if propulsive gait and AFO limits ankle and STJ sagittal joint motion
  • Full contact sole that does not taper in midsection.
  • Firm heel counter that do not twist easily.
  • Removable footbed
  • Removable spacers

Shoe styles determined to fit best over AFOs are indicated in the SafeStep shoe catalog and on the website with an AFO icon.

When sized properly:

  • There should be 1/2″ space between the end of the longest toe and the end of the shoe.
  • Ensure that the shoes are wide enough such that the foot does not bulge the lateral side.

Fitting will be best accomplished in the office with the use of a display stand or with pairs of shoes to try on. When the fitting is challenging or if one foot is significantly different in size or shape than the other, its best to refer patient to store where shoes can be tried on over AFO.

Fit may be best accomplished by removing spacers from shoe with AFO and adding to shoe without.

If foot with an AFO much larger and different in shape from contralateral side, best option is custom molded shoes made over AFO. Entails first molding for AFO and then for shoes afterwards. Custom shoes are only covered by Medicare for patients with diabetes or if AFO attaches to shoe. Alternatively, Arizona AFO makes a custom shoe with built in brace called the Closed Toe Walker.