Register with SafeStep to start fitting patients and saving time
SafeStep can help every step of the way
It just adds up. Whether ordering shoes from SafeStep or from another shoe company, using “WorryFree DME” promotes practice growth by increasing office efficiency while ensuring Medicare compliance.
Document Procurement
First, the program is structured to “off-load” the time you and your staff spend on compliance document procurement. SafeStep relieves your office personnel of the recurring task of contacting primary care physicians by doing the faxing as though from you, for you. This creases valuable office time to examine and fit more of your patients for therapeutic shoes.
Patient Retention
Added to this is SafeStep’s annual Patient Retention Program that promotes good patient care while growing practice revenue through a personalized mail in program.
DME Supplier Number
If You Need a Medicare DME Supplier Number
- We can send you all the forms you need, MOSTLY FILLED OUT, at NO COST and NO OBLIGATION
- Required forms will be mailed to you once you have entered registration information.
- Call us at 866.712.7837 or write us at
If You Already Have a DME Supplier Number
- We can electronically bill Medicare for you at NO ADDITIONAL COST to you.
- If SafeStep provides electronic billing, Medicare payments are sent directly to you, 2 – 3 weeks following fitting of shoes.
- If your Supplier number has expired, it is necessary for you to reactivate it by resubmitting the same SafeStep Supplier registration form. To check your activation status, you can call the National Supplier Clearinghouse, toll free at, 866.238.9652.
- Medicare requires DME suppliers to update information and pay a registration fee every three years. SafeStep will provide a reminder and send all required forms, FREE OF CHARGE.