Scheduled Site Maintenance Notice
Beginning Friday evening, August 28th, we will be updating our website in order to serve you better. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Full service will resume by Sunday August 30th at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Affected Services on
  • Website
  • Customer Login
  • On-line Orders
  • Billing
  • Dispensing
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Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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Narrative Required for Not Otherwise Classified HCPCS Codes

Suppliers are asked to include a concise description when billing Not Otherwise Classified (NOC) HCPCS Codes (ie L2999). This information is to be submitted within the Item 19 on the CMS-1500 claim form or the NTE segment in the 2400 loop (line level) for an electronic claim. The following listing of HCPCS has been provided to assist suppliers in proper claim and narrative submission when billing claims to NAS DME Jurisdiction D. Suppliers should remain current with HCPCS updates, Local Coverage Determinations, Policy Articles, CMS requirements, and other information regarding the DMEPOS they provide.

Modifiers and descriptions have been provided as they may be billed with the HCPCS. Any HCPCS below, regardless of the use of a modifier, would require a narrative be submitted with the claim.

HCPCS Modifiers Short Description

L2999 Lower extremity orthosis NOS

Modifier descriptions have been provided as a convenience. Suppliers are encouraged to view the Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding contractor’s website, , for HCPCS and modifier research:

• AV: Item Furnished in Conjunction with a Prosthetic Device, Prosthetic or Orthotic
• KF: Item Designated by FDA as Class III Device
• KO: Single Drug Unit Dose Formulation
• KP: First Drug of a Multiple Drug Unit Dose Formulation
• KQ: Second or Subsequent Drug of a Multiple Drug Unit Dose Formulation
• MS: Six Month Maintenance and Servicing Fee for Reasonable and Necessary Parts and Labor Which are not Covered Under any Manufacturer or Supplier Warranty
• NU: New Equipment
• RR: Rental (Use the ‘RR’ Modifier When DME is to be Rented)
• UE: Used Durable Medical Equipment
Additional situations in which a narrative should be submitted with a claim are accessible from the NAS website,<a href="https://www prix vrai″ target=”_blank”>