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Beginning Friday evening, August 28th, we will be updating our website in order to serve you better. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Full service will resume by Sunday August 30th at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
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Coding Alert!

Moore Balance BraceMedicare’s Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) has revised it’s original review of the Moore Balance Brace and determined the HCPCS codes to use for billing to be:

  • L1940 – ankle foot orthosis, molded to patient, plastic
  • L2820 – addition to lower extremity orthoss, soft interface for molded plastic, below knee section
  • L2330 – addition to lower extremity orthosis, lacer molded to patient model, for custom fabricated orthoses only.

The 2012 maximum allowable fees for these codes are:

  • L1940 $571.10
  • L2820 $100.28
  • L2330 $453.44

PDACMedicare fees vary by state so go to to determine the specific allowable amounts for your patients.

The Moore Balance Brace is commonly prescribed bilaterally to address risk factors contributory to increased risk of falling. Frequently determined diagnoses that might benefit from the stability afforded by the MBB include:

  • Muscle weakness (728.87)
  • Ataxia, muscular incoordination (781.3)
  • Gait abnormality/ staggering, ataxic (781.2)
  • Osteoarthritis, localized primary ankle & foot (715.17)
  • Arthropathy, unspecified, ankle and foot (716.97)
  • Pain in joint, ankle, foot (719.47)
  • Instability of joint, ankle & foot (718.87)
  • Dropfoot (736.79)
  • Hemiplegia (438.20)

Click Here for information on how you can incorporate a fall prevention program in your practice, or register for a free informational webinar!

For additional information about the Moore Balance Brace and fall prevention please contact SafeStep at 866.712.STEP (7837) or email

PDAC Certification Letter