Scheduled Site Maintenance Notice
Beginning Friday evening, August 28th, we will be updating our website in order to serve you better. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. Full service will resume by Sunday August 30th at 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time.
Affected Services on
  • Website
  • Customer Login
  • On-line Orders
  • Billing
  • Dispensing
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Making the use of DME and the Medicare Therapeutic Shoe Program easier.

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Medicare DME Supplier Enrollment Now Easiest If Done Online!

The Internet-based PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System) can be used in lieu of the Medicare enrollment application (i.e., paper CMS-855) to:

  • Submit an initial Medicare enrollment application
  • View or change your enrollment information
  • Track your enrollment application through the web submission process
  • Add or change a reassignment of benefits
  • Submit changes to existing Medicare enrollment information
  • Reactivate an existing enrollment record
  • Withdraw from the Medicare Program
  • Submit a Change of Ownership (CHOW) of the Medicare-enrolled provider

Advantages of Internet-based PECOS

  • Faster than paper-based enrollment (45 day processing time in most cases, vs. 60 days for paper)
  • Easy to check and update your information for accuracy
  • Less staff time and administrative costs to complete and submit enrollment to Medicare

Using Internet-based PECOS Is Easy!

Before initiating an enrollment action using Internet-based PECOS, you should review the applicable “Basics of Internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS)” Fact Sheet(s) and “Enrolllment Example” below.


Physicians and non-physician practitioners may access Internet-based PECOS by using the User IDs and passwords that they established when they applied on-line to the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) for their National Provider Identifiers (NPIs).   If you have forgotten your User IDs or passwords, or otherwise need assistance in this regard, contact the NPI Enumerator at 1-800-465-3203 or

  1. Log onto Internet-based PECOS with your NPPES User ID and password.
  2. Complete, review, and submit an electronic enrollment application. Internet-based PECOS will walk you through the application process and supply you with a 2-page Certification Statement for each enrollment application you submit.
  3. Mail the original signed Certification Statement from Internet-based PECOS and supporting documents to the Medicare contractor within 15 days of your electronic submission.